The Hidden Danger in Your Home: Why It’s Time to Replace Your FPE Electrical Panel

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The Hidden Danger in Your Home:

Why It’s Time to Replace Your FPE Electrical Panel


When it comes to your home, safety is paramount. You probably take precautions like installing smoke detectors, securing locks on doors, and ensuring your home’s structural integrity. But there’s a silent danger lurking in many homes, one that often goes unnoticed until it’s too late: the Federal Pacific Electric (FPE) panel.

If your home was built between the 1950s and the 1980s, there’s a good chance you have an FPE panel installed. While these panels may seem to be functioning just fine, they pose significant risks that could endanger your home and your loved ones. Let’s explore why it’s crucial to take action and replace your FPE panel.

What is an FPE Panel?

Federal Pacific Electric (FPE) panels, particularly those with the Stab-Lok circuit breakers, were once a popular choice for electrical installations in homes across the United States. These panels are designed to distribute electricity throughout your home and protect your wiring from overloads by tripping breakers when necessary.

However, there’s a critical flaw in the design of FPE Stab-Lok breakers: they often fail to trip during an overload or short circuit. This failure means that instead of shutting off the flow of electricity during a dangerous situation, the panel could allow the circuit to overheat, potentially causing a fire.

Why FPE Panels are a Hazard

  • Failure to Trip: Studies have shown that FPE Stab-Lok breakers fail to trip as much as 25-60% of the time. This alarming statistic means that a significant portion of these panels is not providing the basic safety functions they were designed for.

  • Age and Wear: Most FPE panels are now 40-70 years old. Over time, electrical components can degrade, increasing the likelihood of malfunction. This age factor, combined with the original design flaws, makes FPE panels especially dangerous.

  • Fire Risk: The failure to trip during an electrical fault can lead to overheating and, ultimately, fires. Thousands of electrical fires are reported each year, and many could be linked to faulty panels like those produced by FPE.

The Time to Act is Now

If you have an FPE panel in your home, it’s not a matter of if but when it could fail. The consequences of inaction could be devastating, putting your home and your family at risk. Fortunately, there’s a straightforward solution: replace your FPE panel with a modern, reliable electrical panel that meets today’s safety standards.

How to Replace Your FPE Panel

  1. Consult a Licensed Electrician: The first step is to have a licensed electrician inspect your FPE panel. They can assess its condition and provide recommendations for replacement.

  2. Choose a Safe Alternative: Modern electrical panels from reputable manufacturers are designed with advanced safety features that protect your home from electrical faults.

  3. Schedule the Replacement: Don’t delay. Schedule the replacement as soon as possible to ensure your home is safe from electrical hazards.

  4. Consider Upgrading Your System: While replacing your panel, consider upgrading your electrical system if necessary. This can improve the efficiency of your home’s power distribution and accommodate modern appliances and technology.


Your home should be a safe haven, free from hidden dangers. Don’t let an outdated and potentially hazardous FPE panel put your family at risk. Take action today by replacing your FPE panel with a safer, more reliable option. Your peace of mind and your family’s safety are worth it.

Remember, when it comes to electrical safety, it’s better to be proactive than reactive. Don’t wait for a catastrophe to strike—contact a licensed electrician today and secure your home’s future.